Saturday, July 7, 2012

4th Of July Boating

We had an UHMAZING 4th of July with the Bitters! We got to wake boarding and tubing almost all day, it was so so much fun. This was our first time going boating since last year so we were pretty excited! Our goal was to cross from one side of the wake to the other...Anthony made it over to the other side but I wasn't quite there. I did do some tricks while I was up though and I was able to stay up for a long time and only crashed when I was attempting a trick or trying to cross the wake. Overall it was so much fun! We are investing in a boat as we speak!!!

Date Night Weirdos

 So my wonderful sis Covina sent us these incredible glasses that we wore around town for our date. They barley fit on my face and I really don't know how they stayed on Anthony's. We thought we looked pretty freaking amazing.

 Continuing on our date we wore these amazing glasses while we decided to play a little game of baseball. of course being a poor young married couple we revised some of the rules and equipment used in the original game of baseball. Instead of a baseball we used a plastic blown up basketball from the basketball hoops Anthony got me for my birthday. Instead of a bat we first used sticks but they were breaking too easily so we used our own shoes. And in order to hit a home run you had to hit the ball past the pitcher which was actually quite difficult. I totally won of course, beating Anthony by a single homerun:)
